
Monday 15 October 2018

Hi mates its the end of an e(y)ra

I wrote a pretty long piece about the past 16 months that had led up to this moment, but it was such a painful and depressing post i have decided to not share it. Long story short, I was miserable in my first job and an amazing miracle happened- and I say miracle because I didn’t apply for this upcoming job, I was literally called up for this opportunity. I think alot about how I allowed the past 16 months to play out, and how im throwing my ‘tax life’ together with 4 years of study all away (i know its not true because i've learnt so much more than just the technical bits). But I know above it all the past 16 months have made me realize what I sure as heck don’t wanna be doing in life. You really accept what you think you deserve. I cant wait to start this new journey and be surrounded by motivated personalities all with the same passion for impact and effecting change. It makes me so excited to know I can potentially play a part in literally changing the world. Most of all I am so, so relieved to have a second shot knock at my door. Im hella excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also another major, unexpected (and expensive... cries) change in my life coming right up. Looks like 2019's gonna be radically different!